سنڌ جي ٻهراڙين ۾ عورتون مردن کي پالين ٿيون!
Today when I was attending a meeting here at Dadu called by SDS regarding violence against women, i recalled my research, when i use to conduct research with Rdhr Sindh on how many women killed in the name of honor and domestic violence, Monthly more than 50 women were reported as killed in Daily Awami Awaz Sindh, Daily Kawish and Daily Ibrat separately, there might be more cases remained unreported!
Dadu was among the top 3 mostly, But today when i am visiting Dadu field areas Taluka Johi, i see women fetching water from far a way, working on agriculture lands, making ropes for income generation, along with all domestic work and deprive of their basic needs, No proper food, medication, clothing and time.
SIF offered one room shelter to assessed beneficiaries and suggested to lead the excavation and foundation as community share and we see all the work is being done by respective women, their male do not bother to even do so.
while our assessment we asked the question from male that what you do for income generation, they answer.........
سائين پاڻي ناهي، ٻڻي نٿي ٿئي، روزگار آهي ئي ڪونه، مزدوري به نٿي ملي، بس واندا پيا ٿا گهمندا وتون!
But still they are Geratmand...!!!
BISP card offered is nearly meeting the needs. Man do not work and is dependent on that BISP amount.
labor what she do in term of rope making is one of the reason that people use to merry more than one women, so that she do labor and man can have all facilities after ...
Shame on those people...
پر وري به غيرتمند اهي ئي آهن!!! ڪاڇي جي هڪ ڳوٺ ۾ نياڻي جي قيمت 3 لک آهي، انهن پئسن جي اميد تي قرض کنيو ويندو آهي، ٻه شاديون ڪري کٽ جو واڻ ٺاهڻ لاءِ مشين ورتي ويندي آهي، جيڪا پئي پيسبي ۽ غيرت مند مرد پيو هوٽلن تي ياريون هلائيندو!
ڪا ته ڪوتاهي ٿيندي عورت کان ته پاڻ ئي ڪاوش، عوامي آوز ۽ عبرت جي سرخين ۾ اچي وينديون...
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